Hello and welcome to Room 11's Blog. We hope you keep you up to date throughout the year on what has been happening in our year five class. Please view and enjoy our work. Feel free to leave us your thoughts and comments about our work.

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Information for parents and caregivers.

Welcome to Room 11

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

Welcome to Term 1 in. I have a lovely class of children for this year. Our initial work will be focused on: class routines, relationships with each other, behaviour expectations and personal goals.

The term is already shaping up to be both exciting and busy. Below is information which will be helpful and some dates and events to begin planning for:

Stationery has been handed out. If you wish to cover the work books, please have your child bring two or three books home at night and return them the next day covered. Do this until all are covered.

Please ensure that all your child’s paraphernalia is clearly labelled. This greatly enhances the chances of its return.

Our library time is Monday morning. Please assist your child to return books promptly so as new titles can be issued to them. The children are expected to have something in their tote tray ready to read for whenever they complete work tasks and may have some time on their hands. We have a daily silent reading time after morning break.

PE & Syndicate Sport times.
Our PE times are Wednesday and Friday before lunch. Our syndicate [Rooms 8, 9, 10 & 11] meets on Monday afternoons for syndicate games. This will begin after the year six camp. We will be working on small ball skills in games such as: T Ball, Cricket, indoor hockey and rounders. 

Performing Arts / Te Reo Maori
This is with Karen Neill in the Performing Arts room which is beside the hall. Our day is Tuesday. The timing has been modified to cater for our expanding roll. The children will meet with Karen in weeks: 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, & 10.

Snacks & Drinks.
Yes the children can have a non-messy fresh fruit snack [no packets of stuff] in class, and a named water bottle. No juice or soft drinks ... just fresh water.

Arrowtown School uses an electronic attendance system. The attendance is recorded twice a day. If your child is to be absent please send a note, or an email, to me beforehand with the details. The same applies if your child is going to be late too. For illness or sudden and unexpected absences or lateness, please phone the school’s office as per usual on (03) 442 1854.

A note is also expected if your child is unable to participate in the normal program due to illness or injury. 

We are a large and closely packed class this year. Any infections could be easily spread. If your child is unwell please take the simple measure of keeping them at home until they are sufficiently recovered. This could save everyone from unnecessary discomfort and angst.

Sun protection
All children are required to wear a brimmed sun hat [ no baseball caps] and suitable clothing to reduce risk of sunburn. Please ensure that your child has one and name it carefully. Sun block is available for their use in most classrooms. 

Email Contact
Finally, to make home communication easier we have an email system for parent contacts at school. Could you please send me an email so I can confirm and add your address to the the class address book. Send it to: alanf@arrowtown.school.nz

The main thing of course is that your child comes everyday ready to learn, which means that they have had a good nights sleep, a good breakfast and lunch packed, and have the appropriate tools / resources for their day’s tasks. Your child will do the rest!

I look forward to meeting soon. Please feel free to pop in and see me, after school is best!

Kind regards,

Alan Forsyth