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Friday, 25 October 2013

Horrid Food - fearsome fish - Or you can't trust mum!

I came home from school. I was dripping wet because it had rained all day. I trudged to my room, took all of my wet clothes and put my pajamas on. I went into the kitchen and made myself a hot chocolate. Then I went to the laundry and got my sleeping bag and carried it to the lounge. I wriggled into my sleeping bag sat down on the couch and turned on the T.V. I asked my mum what we are having for dinner. she said “salad,, fried rice and potatoes.”

Dad came home and had a shower. When he was dressed mum called us for dinner. I wriggled out of my sleeping bag, walked to the table and sat on my seat. I ate my fried rice, then my salad and saved the potatoes till last.

As was eating my potatoes I thought they didn't taste of much, so mum said to put lemon juice on it. I said o.k and I was thinking that lemon juice on potatoes is a little weird.

After I had eaten them my mum said “did you like your potatoes” I said “yes but they were really dry” and mum said “do you know why they were dry” and then she said “because it is FISH”.

I screamed my head off and didn’t talk to her for the rest of the dayI  

by Amelia G    

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Horrid Food!

Ginger. By Louisa
Mum and I were in town because I had to go to the Warehouse. Dad was out of town at a conference. I was in the car waiting for my mum, she was taking  a long time. She was supposed to be bringing back some sushi. When she got back we started to drive home. I saw some ham in the sushi box,. But it wasn’t ham... it was ginger and I didn’t know that.. I took the sushi box from in the front of the car and opened up the lid.

I took out the ‘ham’ and popped it in my mouth, just for a taste. Immediately I felt the warm slightly burning taste in my mouth, the taste that makes you want to pull out your tongue. Well at least that’s what it felt like doing. I asked mum what it was. She told me it was ginger. I looked at her with this weird face because my mouth was on fire!. I had to ride all the way home with that burning feeling in my mouth.

When we got home I asked my mum how to stop the burning and she told me to drink milk, I slumped over to get some milk and drank it. It worked.  And to this day I’ve never eaten ginger, and I never will!

Friday, 18 October 2013

The not so nice spaghetti bolognese

I was in Rarotonga at the time. My family and I were going out for dinner at the hotel’s cafe/bar. At the time I loved spaghetti bolognese so I ordered it.
When The waitress came out with it I smiled at her. Then I could smell the spaghetti sauce over the mince. “Yuck” I thought. The noodles looked normal but the mince looked so lumpy and chewy.

I took my first bite I couldn't get it down my throat, so  I was basically sitting there choking it down. I managed to get it down and then another spoonful. The same again, sitting there choking it down. Eventually my plate was empty, I felt like being sick right in the spot.

So now I know to never order spaghetti bolognese in Rarotonga again!

By Molly


Thursday, 17 October 2013

Horrid food - more!

Eating chilli. A horrible experience.

It all started in Fiji when we were in the dining room and Alex dared Bella, Soph, Johnny and I to eat chilli seeds ( the hottest part of a chilli ) . For Bella and Sophie it was easy they had done it before but Johnny and I had NEVER eaten a chilli before.

Johnny quickly popped it in his mouth, chewed quickly, swallowed and gulped  two glasses of water. It was over for him!  I chickened out. The following morning Alex offered me $100, if I ate a whole chilly and swallowed it.  

I said……. I WOULD DO IT . This could be the worst mistake of my life! The next day the time came that I will always remember. Just before lunch Alex said it was my last chance I eat it now or never. Alex took a orange chilly out of the fridge while I got a big glass of milk ( big mistake, )  Alex chopped off the top of the chilli, the green part. He handed me the chilli with everyone watching. I was nervous. Everyone counted down 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and it was in my mouth. At first I couldn't taste a thing but after that my mouth felt like there was a fire going on inside my mouth, quick someone call the fire brigade ! I kept chewing while everyone watched. It was so hot I started to cry. After a minute it was over but my mouth was on fire. As quickly as I could I drank all the milk. After the milk my mouth tasted really bad. Mum cut me a piece of bread which I ate, that made it WORSE . After 10 minutes the taste was less but my mouth was still on fire.

After another ten minutes we went to the shops. My mouth was still on fire! I looked for a T-shirt for dad. I looked and looked until I found the perfect one for dad. It cost $100 dollars, all the money gone. Oh well at least dad has a new t-shirt and I learnt a valuable lesson that day NEVER EVER EAT CHILLI AGAIN!

By Georgie.

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Horrid food #1

The nightmare afternoon tea

I came home from school one sunny summer’s day to a delicious afternoon tea, or so I thought.

I briefly greeted my babysitter Andrea. I looked at the afternoon tea platter. The first thing I layed my eyes on was a  ripe and juicy nectarine, it looked delicious..

I took my first bite.It was so nice! It felt like every mouthful counted, so I took my second bite, and my third - all so delicious. Then I noticed there was a fuzzy little ball coming out of the little hole above the core. A bug! It seemed huge as it struggled  out of the little hole!

It was an earwig!

I screamed and threw the nectarine at my sister, completely by accident of course. She saw what was climbing out of the nectarine and threw it back at me! I threw it back to her! This went on several times, then  I threw it onto the ground. Our sitter, Andrea, finally came out of the kitchen yelling “Alright, alright what’s going on girls”? We pointed a shaking finger at the juicy nectarine on the floor. Andrea went over to it and simply picked it up and put it in the bin! Astonished I said “Didn’t you see what was on it “? She replied in a completely calm voice, “Oh yes it was an earwig , creepy little bugs aren't they! You'll  get over it! ”

I looked at the bin and moaned “aww my juicy nectarine!” Andrea said, “Don’t worry, there are plenty more,” pointing to the afternoon tea platter.

I looked at the juicy ripe mouth-watering nectarines and gave a long sigh. I did not reach for a necterine because I was afraid there might be more of those disgusting black earwigs! Instead I reached for a refreshing apple and guess what? Out came a worm - followed by a beetle!! Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!

By Kate

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Molly's Extravaganza.

The Extravaganzer

It was a late Tuesday night and it was the first night of the Extravaganzer. We were all in the classroom waiting for the phone call. Twenty minutes later the phone rang it went like this, “Room 11 over to Miss Neil's room thank you.” So we all lined up and went out the door.

When we got to Miss Neill’s room we walked inside and to our surprise everything that was white was glowing. As we waited we all listened to the faint sound of the music playing on stage and the thump of foot steps on the boards. Then it was our turn to get on stage we all lined up following the arrows on to the stage and up the steps.

The trailer was playing up on the data projector. Then the music started to play. We all started dancing, a bright spotlight shone on us making it hard to see the crowd.

When we had finished the dance there was a massive round of applause. We walked off stage and down the steps and out into the cold night.

By Molly