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Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Clay Tiles

Clay Work

This term we have been designing a sun dial. In the process we have had to make concrete pavers and clay tiles. For the clay tiles we had to practise three or four times so when it came to the real ones we didn't make any mistakes. When we were practising we had to roll our clay out, try different patterns to get the feel of clay, and think about what we were going to do on the real ones.

For the real ones we had to put 2 sticks on either side so that when we rolled them they were the right thickness. After we had rolled it to the right thickness we had to get a knife and cut it to the correct size. Then we had to get the stencil with our number on it and carefully trace around it. After that we picked the tools that we wanted to use. When we were using the tools we had to use them softly or else when the tile gets fired the tile may break. Then we had to scraped a design and we signed our name in one corner Mr Forsyth is going to take all the clay tiles and get them fired.

When they come back come back we will glaze the numbers and get them fired again.

We will put the tiles in our concrete pavers and they will be put in the ground for the sundial.    

By Georgie.

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see this in action. What a memorable activity. Well done to Mr Forsyth for being so ambitious in art!
