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Monday, 18 November 2013

A victorian school.

Last Tuesday we were pretending to be in a victorian school. We walked to the chinese village or MacDonnell Road so we could walk to school.

When I got there there was SO many people in old clothes!  We took some photos and videos.
When we started walking to the school some of us were wearing bear feet and some with boots.  It was a pretty long walk but we made it, some with frostbitten feet! Actually  not as much but,  REALLY REALLY COLD feet.  I was glad I wore boots.

When we got to school we had to stay outside and wait for our teachers to allow us in.  We all lined up and waited. Then an undertaker arrived - Dun Dun Dun. Then a fine ok teacher opened the door. What Girls First!!! Well that’s a life experience for me.

.So we got in. Wow it was so empty, only 8 desks and 5 tables. Most tables only had two or three people on them.

The first thing we did was go to the hall and go through what we were doing. When one of the teachers started talking a bit loud and scary this little kid hurt himself. Well I think some people thought he was crying because he was scared, but he only hurt his arm. The teacher just yelled at him and said “GROW UP BOY”! I tell you I  felt a bit sorry for him. W started singing our prayer. After that the undertaker, actually our teacher our teacher started reading a story to us about victorian times. When he finished we waited till our teacher let us go back to class.

In class we started doing writing.  Wow It was SOOOO boring.  Now I know how boring it was for you adults. It was pretty hard to doing all that linked writing. I failed at least 10 times. I was caned like 6 times. At morning tea we had olden day food. It looked like it was old day food because it was covered in newspaper or cloth. The Bad Thing was that the Girls were allowed on the court! Which means we Had to be on The Grass!!! And you know boys we LOVE TO GET DIRTY which was SO HARD not to get dirty. The only thing we could do to not to get dirty was play tricky tag which is where you clearly tag them but if you tag them at the same time you have to do paper scissors rock. Whoever wins sits down and waits till the person that tagged you is down, then you go up and tag more people. It really never ends so we either wait till we go back inside or we wait till the bell rings.

After morning tea was done we went back inside and we did this SO HARD math it was money and it like ounce+p=6764657454563647464746364746 or Something like that. It was the hardest thing I have done. Well probably not for you anyway we did maths for about 1 hour.


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