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Monday, 4 November 2013

The museum trip

Last Monday we went to the museum. First we went to the gallery and looked at people from the olden days. Amy gave us a sheet to fill out. What we had to do was choose a picture in the gallery and answer these questions… what clothes were they wearing, were they rich, were they poor and what were their facial expressions.  

After that we did some art. Amy gave us some cardboard and some pictures of kids from the olden days and some pens and pencils. First we had to put the piece of paper on top of the cardboard and draw the out line of the picture. When we took of the paper of we could see a faint mark where we traced the picture, we drew over the outline so we could see it better. After we finished drawing the face the eyes the hair and the mouth we coloured the picture in. Soon the picture was done Amy gave us some wet tea bags. We picked up the tea bags and dabbed them over our picture so it looked really old then we left them to dry.

Third we went down stairs and looked at some stuff from the olden days there was lot’s of cool stuff like farming stuff, shears, tea pots, shoes, baskets and heaps more stuff. We made a timeline with them to see what was the oldest thing and what was the newest thing. The oldest thing was a poha which is a maori food basket and the newest thing were grapes that people use to make wine around here.

Next we went in to the olden day classroom and practised writing on slate boards with chalk. It was quite hard. After that we got to have look around museum we saw a fire engine, horse gear, guns, maori stuff, scuba diving gear and there was also a projector screen that told you about the life of a kiwi.

By Leila Korani

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