Hello and welcome to Room 11's Blog. We hope you keep you up to date throughout the year on what has been happening in our year five class. Please view and enjoy our work. Feel free to leave us your thoughts and comments about our work.

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Gala day

Last Saturday Arrowtown School had its 150th anniversary, we celebrated it by having a Gala day.

There were all sorts of stalls. Room 11, our class, had a stall that we shared with the rest of the syndicate. It was so great that it sold out in the first hour of the gala day so only the year 6 students got to have a go at running the stall.

Our stall was called Pick a Pencil there was one huge plastic box of saw dust . There were 84 pencils all standing up, each pencil had a different coloured sticker it and each sticker stood for a prize. For example if you got a red you would get a good prize if you got a yellow it wasn't such a good prize.There were also pencils without stickers and if you got one without a sticker you didn't get a prize just the pencil.

There were other stalls to like pony rides, Mini jeeps and there was Mr Potts with his funky bikes. Lastly there were the restaurant food stalls from Arrowtown who came and set up a tent each! There was a tent for adults only no kids. The only bad thing about the day was that it was a raining.

Other than that it was great, and we all had a lot of fun!

By Kate

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Gala day
Last Saturday Arrowtown School had its 150th anniversary, we celebrated it by having a Gala day.

There were all sorts of stalls. Room 11, our class, had a stall that we shared with the rest of the syndicate. It was so great that it sold out in the first hour of the gala day so only the year 6 students got to have a go at running the stall.
Our stall was called Pick a Pencil there was one huge plastic box of saw dust . There were 84 pencils all standing up, each pencil had a different coloured sticker it and each sticker stood for a prize. For example if you got a red you would get a good prize if you got a yellow it wasn't such a good prize.There were also pencils without stickers and if you got one without a sticker you didn't get a prize just the pencil.

There were other stalls to like pony rides, Mini jeeps and there was Mr Potts with his funky bikes. Lastly there were the restaurant food stalls from Arrowtown who came and set up a tent each! There was a tent for adults only no kids. The only bad thing about the day was that it was a raining.
Other than that it was great, and we all had a lot of fun!

By Kate

Monday, 18 November 2013

A victorian school.

Last Tuesday we were pretending to be in a victorian school. We walked to the chinese village or MacDonnell Road so we could walk to school.

When I got there there was SO many people in old clothes!  We took some photos and videos.
When we started walking to the school some of us were wearing bear feet and some with boots.  It was a pretty long walk but we made it, some with frostbitten feet! Actually  not as much but,  REALLY REALLY COLD feet.  I was glad I wore boots.

When we got to school we had to stay outside and wait for our teachers to allow us in.  We all lined up and waited. Then an undertaker arrived - Dun Dun Dun. Then a fine ok teacher opened the door. What Girls First!!! Well that’s a life experience for me.

.So we got in. Wow it was so empty, only 8 desks and 5 tables. Most tables only had two or three people on them.

The first thing we did was go to the hall and go through what we were doing. When one of the teachers started talking a bit loud and scary this little kid hurt himself. Well I think some people thought he was crying because he was scared, but he only hurt his arm. The teacher just yelled at him and said “GROW UP BOY”! I tell you I  felt a bit sorry for him. W started singing our prayer. After that the undertaker, actually our teacher our teacher started reading a story to us about victorian times. When he finished we waited till our teacher let us go back to class.

In class we started doing writing.  Wow It was SOOOO boring.  Now I know how boring it was for you adults. It was pretty hard to doing all that linked writing. I failed at least 10 times. I was caned like 6 times. At morning tea we had olden day food. It looked like it was old day food because it was covered in newspaper or cloth. The Bad Thing was that the Girls were allowed on the court! Which means we Had to be on The Grass!!! And you know boys we LOVE TO GET DIRTY which was SO HARD not to get dirty. The only thing we could do to not to get dirty was play tricky tag which is where you clearly tag them but if you tag them at the same time you have to do paper scissors rock. Whoever wins sits down and waits till the person that tagged you is down, then you go up and tag more people. It really never ends so we either wait till we go back inside or we wait till the bell rings.

After morning tea was done we went back inside and we did this SO HARD math it was money and it like ounce+p=6764657454563647464746364746 or Something like that. It was the hardest thing I have done. Well probably not for you anyway we did maths for about 1 hour.


Friday, 15 November 2013

Athletics day.

On the 30th of october all the classes from year 3 up to year 8 went on the buses to go to athletics. The buses left school at 9.00 sharp. We got to Alpine Aqualand fields. When we pulled up we got out of all the buses and thanked the drives. Next we had to line up behind the our age group cones. Mr Winders walked over to the cones and turned on his giant microphone and told us what to do.

First my group went to the high jump. The first jump we did was 90cm. Then 95cm to 1m and 1.5m. After that my group went to the hurdles which were at the 24 mark line. After hurdles we went to the sprints which were 65m long. second to last was shot put and the last activity was discus.

The girls had Ms Buckenham for high jump. Mrs Hoskin and Ms Greenhalgh were organising the hurdles. Mrs Sefo was doing shot put and Mrs Brentwood did the discus.

The boys had Mr Smallridge for high jump mrs hosken and Mrs Greenhalgh also did hurdles. Mr Forsyth was doing shot put and Mr Winders was helping at the discus.

I want to say thankyou for putting this years athletics on!!!!!!!  

By Hannah.white

Thursday, 14 November 2013

150 on Tuesday!

On Tuesday we had an 1863 themed day. We had to dress up as an olden day kid and get to school an old fashion way. The way I got to school was on my pony and there were about ten more kids riding their ponies. When we got to school we got a pony club picture and our parents took the ponies home.

We all went to our classes and had to sit down at a table. The girls sat separately to the boys ( which was good ). The work was really easy and really BORING. My teacher was really mean and was caning and all the kids were laughing their heads off and my teacher Mr Forsyth was laughing as he was caning.

In assembly there were three boys who had to go up the front and tell the rest of the school how they were doing with their sports training. One of them forgot to say sir at the end of ( yes sir ) he just said yes, so he had to lean on the chair and Mr Winders caned him in front of the school! He just hit the chair but accidentally hit the boy once so the boy limped back to his seat. After that torture we all sang God save the Queen.
The caning!!

Then we went back to our classrooms and did some hand writing in olden day books. Whenever a teacher or older citizen came in we had to stand up.

At morning tea all the girls were not allowed on the field with the boys and the boys were not allowed to come where the girls were.

After that we went back to class and did some maths which was fun but boring. Then we had to go out for drills and that was fun. We did star jumps and bends over each side and putting our foot out the side and in fast when he said to.

After that all the girls had to sit at the junior playground to eat and play but we were allowed to play on the court and the boys had to sit in the intermediate seating and the boys were only allowed to play on the field and on the big kids playground. At one o’clock the Arrow miners band came and performed on the court and we all danced like cowboys and cowgirls. Then the bell rang and we had to go and line up in front of our classrooms and wait for our teachers.

We went in and sat down and started to line up again for folk dancing drill on the court. We had to do a heel toe one and a Pigeon house one then we went back to class and went home. By the way the kids didn’t really get caned it was just pretend.
                                                                                              By Tessa
Me in the green bonnet!


Last Tuesday we dressed up in a olden days costume for our 150 years celebration! People joined either a walking school bus or they rode a horse or donkey! We had to play outside before the bell rang and the Mr Forsyth, our teacher, checked us for clean hands.

The girls would have worn Ankle length skirts and a long sleeved top tucked into their skirt, leather boots or shoes and a bonnet. The boys would wear little cheese cutter caps and shorts and braces with a shirt.

The bell wasn't like normal we used the old bell. At lunch time the Arrow Miners Band came and played some music, some people were dancing to them! All of us had an olden day lunch in a paper bag such as a cheese sandwich and maybe a bit of fruit and a two biscuits. We did P.E. with Mr Winders the whole school did some stretches and star jumps. We had our picture taken by Mr Young. Every class got their picture taken. Everyone was in style and looked really good!

In my class we used a little book, in the book was some handwriting which we had to copy out, and some art of a sheep.

There was a Dunces cap which some people did wear. Also some teachers were pretending that they actually caned students. The day was really fun!

Stella, Room 11

150th Gala Day

150th Gala Day
Plunk the coin drops into the bucket as I walk in into the hall. There’s everything from cakes to scarves, mystery bottles  to  soap. As I walk out I pull my wet hood up and run to shelter. Scattered in front of rooms 1, 2, 3 and 4 were scout stalls, nail in a hay bale, chocolate coin throw, cupcake stands and finally pick a pencil. I tested my luck guess on the chocolate throw two times and you would never guess but I actually won big and by big I mean milky way super pack!

Afterwards I waded over to the Patagonia stand. “Mate, rip off!” but I bought an ice cream anyway. After I swam over to the horse shoe  toss and I won a crunchie bar. After a Quick cupcake I hopped on to of Mr Pott’s crazy bikes and before I knew it I was doing crazy burnouts on the green machine. After a good 3½ hours I walked home. The wind whistled  and led the bad weather away and the sun began to shine through the clouds.


Tuesday, 5 November 2013

The Museum Visit

Last Monday we went to the museum. First we got off the bus & into the reception area. We went into the monthly gallery & we met a woman called Amy who was going to show us around. We looked at photos of Arrowtown people from 150 years ago. Then we chose a photograph to draw. We used some tea bags and dabbed the stuff in the tea bags onto the paper to make it look old.

The next room we went into was the room with all the old pianos and then we sat in a semicircle. .Amy gave out some stuff to some of us. I got to hold a bone & Joshua got to hold some grapes. Next Amy put out a timeline & we had to put our stuff onto its age mark. I think the bone went on the 1800 & under mark.

We went down to the old Arrowtown area & the first place everyone went was the old man on the long drop that says, “Oy! Go away! Can't you see I’m busy!”
The last area we went into was the old school classroom. Amy got out some old slates and told us to practice writing fancy A’s, B’s, C’s and D’s.

Finally we walked back up to the reception area & got on the bus & went back to school.
My favorite bit was when we were drawing the pictures & dabbing the teabags on them.
Please E-mail me & tell me your favorite bit about the museum.
Some classes did not do the drawing & teabag thing.

There might be some photos on the Lakes District Museum Arrowtown Site.  

By Samuel Alexander Clark.

Monday, 4 November 2013

The museum trip

Last Monday we went to the museum. First we went to the gallery and looked at people from the olden days. Amy gave us a sheet to fill out. What we had to do was choose a picture in the gallery and answer these questions… what clothes were they wearing, were they rich, were they poor and what were their facial expressions.  

After that we did some art. Amy gave us some cardboard and some pictures of kids from the olden days and some pens and pencils. First we had to put the piece of paper on top of the cardboard and draw the out line of the picture. When we took of the paper of we could see a faint mark where we traced the picture, we drew over the outline so we could see it better. After we finished drawing the face the eyes the hair and the mouth we coloured the picture in. Soon the picture was done Amy gave us some wet tea bags. We picked up the tea bags and dabbed them over our picture so it looked really old then we left them to dry.

Third we went down stairs and looked at some stuff from the olden days there was lot’s of cool stuff like farming stuff, shears, tea pots, shoes, baskets and heaps more stuff. We made a timeline with them to see what was the oldest thing and what was the newest thing. The oldest thing was a poha which is a maori food basket and the newest thing were grapes that people use to make wine around here.

Next we went in to the olden day classroom and practised writing on slate boards with chalk. It was quite hard. After that we got to have look around museum we saw a fire engine, horse gear, guns, maori stuff, scuba diving gear and there was also a projector screen that told you about the life of a kiwi.

By Leila Korani

Friday, 25 October 2013

Horrid Food - fearsome fish - Or you can't trust mum!

I came home from school. I was dripping wet because it had rained all day. I trudged to my room, took all of my wet clothes and put my pajamas on. I went into the kitchen and made myself a hot chocolate. Then I went to the laundry and got my sleeping bag and carried it to the lounge. I wriggled into my sleeping bag sat down on the couch and turned on the T.V. I asked my mum what we are having for dinner. she said “salad,, fried rice and potatoes.”

Dad came home and had a shower. When he was dressed mum called us for dinner. I wriggled out of my sleeping bag, walked to the table and sat on my seat. I ate my fried rice, then my salad and saved the potatoes till last.

As was eating my potatoes I thought they didn't taste of much, so mum said to put lemon juice on it. I said o.k and I was thinking that lemon juice on potatoes is a little weird.

After I had eaten them my mum said “did you like your potatoes” I said “yes but they were really dry” and mum said “do you know why they were dry” and then she said “because it is FISH”.

I screamed my head off and didn’t talk to her for the rest of the dayI  

by Amelia G    

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Horrid Food!

Ginger. By Louisa
Mum and I were in town because I had to go to the Warehouse. Dad was out of town at a conference. I was in the car waiting for my mum, she was taking  a long time. She was supposed to be bringing back some sushi. When she got back we started to drive home. I saw some ham in the sushi box,. But it wasn’t ham... it was ginger and I didn’t know that.. I took the sushi box from in the front of the car and opened up the lid.

I took out the ‘ham’ and popped it in my mouth, just for a taste. Immediately I felt the warm slightly burning taste in my mouth, the taste that makes you want to pull out your tongue. Well at least that’s what it felt like doing. I asked mum what it was. She told me it was ginger. I looked at her with this weird face because my mouth was on fire!. I had to ride all the way home with that burning feeling in my mouth.

When we got home I asked my mum how to stop the burning and she told me to drink milk, I slumped over to get some milk and drank it. It worked.  And to this day I’ve never eaten ginger, and I never will!

Friday, 18 October 2013

The not so nice spaghetti bolognese

I was in Rarotonga at the time. My family and I were going out for dinner at the hotel’s cafe/bar. At the time I loved spaghetti bolognese so I ordered it.
When The waitress came out with it I smiled at her. Then I could smell the spaghetti sauce over the mince. “Yuck” I thought. The noodles looked normal but the mince looked so lumpy and chewy.

I took my first bite I couldn't get it down my throat, so  I was basically sitting there choking it down. I managed to get it down and then another spoonful. The same again, sitting there choking it down. Eventually my plate was empty, I felt like being sick right in the spot.

So now I know to never order spaghetti bolognese in Rarotonga again!

By Molly


Thursday, 17 October 2013

Horrid food - more!

Eating chilli. A horrible experience.

It all started in Fiji when we were in the dining room and Alex dared Bella, Soph, Johnny and I to eat chilli seeds ( the hottest part of a chilli ) . For Bella and Sophie it was easy they had done it before but Johnny and I had NEVER eaten a chilli before.

Johnny quickly popped it in his mouth, chewed quickly, swallowed and gulped  two glasses of water. It was over for him!  I chickened out. The following morning Alex offered me $100, if I ate a whole chilly and swallowed it.  

I said……. I WOULD DO IT . This could be the worst mistake of my life! The next day the time came that I will always remember. Just before lunch Alex said it was my last chance I eat it now or never. Alex took a orange chilly out of the fridge while I got a big glass of milk ( big mistake, )  Alex chopped off the top of the chilli, the green part. He handed me the chilli with everyone watching. I was nervous. Everyone counted down 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and it was in my mouth. At first I couldn't taste a thing but after that my mouth felt like there was a fire going on inside my mouth, quick someone call the fire brigade ! I kept chewing while everyone watched. It was so hot I started to cry. After a minute it was over but my mouth was on fire. As quickly as I could I drank all the milk. After the milk my mouth tasted really bad. Mum cut me a piece of bread which I ate, that made it WORSE . After 10 minutes the taste was less but my mouth was still on fire.

After another ten minutes we went to the shops. My mouth was still on fire! I looked for a T-shirt for dad. I looked and looked until I found the perfect one for dad. It cost $100 dollars, all the money gone. Oh well at least dad has a new t-shirt and I learnt a valuable lesson that day NEVER EVER EAT CHILLI AGAIN!

By Georgie.

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Horrid food #1

The nightmare afternoon tea

I came home from school one sunny summer’s day to a delicious afternoon tea, or so I thought.

I briefly greeted my babysitter Andrea. I looked at the afternoon tea platter. The first thing I layed my eyes on was a  ripe and juicy nectarine, it looked delicious..

I took my first bite.It was so nice! It felt like every mouthful counted, so I took my second bite, and my third - all so delicious. Then I noticed there was a fuzzy little ball coming out of the little hole above the core. A bug! It seemed huge as it struggled  out of the little hole!

It was an earwig!

I screamed and threw the nectarine at my sister, completely by accident of course. She saw what was climbing out of the nectarine and threw it back at me! I threw it back to her! This went on several times, then  I threw it onto the ground. Our sitter, Andrea, finally came out of the kitchen yelling “Alright, alright what’s going on girls”? We pointed a shaking finger at the juicy nectarine on the floor. Andrea went over to it and simply picked it up and put it in the bin! Astonished I said “Didn’t you see what was on it “? She replied in a completely calm voice, “Oh yes it was an earwig , creepy little bugs aren't they! You'll  get over it! ”

I looked at the bin and moaned “aww my juicy nectarine!” Andrea said, “Don’t worry, there are plenty more,” pointing to the afternoon tea platter.

I looked at the juicy ripe mouth-watering nectarines and gave a long sigh. I did not reach for a necterine because I was afraid there might be more of those disgusting black earwigs! Instead I reached for a refreshing apple and guess what? Out came a worm - followed by a beetle!! Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!

By Kate

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Molly's Extravaganza.

The Extravaganzer

It was a late Tuesday night and it was the first night of the Extravaganzer. We were all in the classroom waiting for the phone call. Twenty minutes later the phone rang it went like this, “Room 11 over to Miss Neil's room thank you.” So we all lined up and went out the door.

When we got to Miss Neill’s room we walked inside and to our surprise everything that was white was glowing. As we waited we all listened to the faint sound of the music playing on stage and the thump of foot steps on the boards. Then it was our turn to get on stage we all lined up following the arrows on to the stage and up the steps.

The trailer was playing up on the data projector. Then the music started to play. We all started dancing, a bright spotlight shone on us making it hard to see the crowd.

When we had finished the dance there was a massive round of applause. We walked off stage and down the steps and out into the cold night.

By Molly  

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Clay Tiles

Clay Work

This term we have been designing a sun dial. In the process we have had to make concrete pavers and clay tiles. For the clay tiles we had to practise three or four times so when it came to the real ones we didn't make any mistakes. When we were practising we had to roll our clay out, try different patterns to get the feel of clay, and think about what we were going to do on the real ones.

For the real ones we had to put 2 sticks on either side so that when we rolled them they were the right thickness. After we had rolled it to the right thickness we had to get a knife and cut it to the correct size. Then we had to get the stencil with our number on it and carefully trace around it. After that we picked the tools that we wanted to use. When we were using the tools we had to use them softly or else when the tile gets fired the tile may break. Then we had to scraped a design and we signed our name in one corner Mr Forsyth is going to take all the clay tiles and get them fired.

When they come back come back we will glaze the numbers and get them fired again.

We will put the tiles in our concrete pavers and they will be put in the ground for the sundial.    

By Georgie.

Monday, 26 August 2013

Rainbow in a glass
Last term we did kitchen science and I am going to tell you about an experience called rainbow in a glass. It was part of us exploring and learning about density in liquids and was part of our Kitchen Science topic.

First we put water in the three beakers. We had a fourth and it was used for a different process. Then we put a drop of different food colouring in each of the beakers. The colours were red, blue and green. Next we put the sugar in. We put three teaspoons in the green two in the red and one in the blue. We put this amount of sugar in the different beakers of water so that they could stack as layers without blending into each other.

Then we stirred the sugar into the water and it took about five minutes to disappear as we had to dissolve it completely. We had made a solution. After that  we poured the green water into an empty beaker. We poured it over a spoon, gently trickling it down. We poured in the solution with the most sugar first and add the other two with less sugar after that.The reason we put it first is because it had the most sugar which also led to the most density. We poured the red coloring water on top of the green water. After  that we poured  the red colored water in. We poured the blue colour water on top of the red color. It clashed a little bit but steadied in a second. The rainbow is complete! It was a very fragile rainbow so a slight bump could wreck it. That was the complete phrase of a rainbow in a glass.

Each layer sat on top of the layer which had more sugar than it had.

by Jordan and Madeleine

The Materials:

  • Four beakers
  • Green food Colouring
  • Red food colouring
  • Blue food Colouring
  • Spoon
Dr Jordan & lab assistant

Mad scientist @ werk

Rainbow in a glass

Lots of rainbows!!